Wiki - White Metropolitan
Data Array
White Metropolitan is Governance Software for multiple jurisdictions.
Meta-data oriented programming of digitized environment and database.
Software based industry relying heavily on design patterns and additional linking of references and identifiers on the side by forming nodes.
Currency of the lands of Europe. Also correlated to heavy industry named the Eurozone, the installation of euro requires eurozone services starting from changing the banking system of the country, accepting euro banknotes and coins on the market, listing the stock in euro and cents, using its currency symbol. Major activity is the eurozone export and maintenance of the euro market with the contracted services.
There are two distinct banks as part of the European Government administering the process, European Central Bank (ECB) and European Eastern Bank (EEB). Each bank has the right to construct its own tower building as a skyscraper.
Our domain automates CGI construction set of unique Blacktower Skyscraper of the European Government in Eastern Europe featuring the official local administration of the European Parliament and the industrial printing facility of new english euro with the modern architecture as image composite data of EEB.
The skyscraper is protected intellectual property of Metropolitan Private Bank by our Jurisdiction that Generates Energy Units (GEU) in place via nuclear industrial objects programmed on each floor and converting this uranium power to electricity.
Electronically generated hard currency that requires an external banking network of distribution. The currency symbol is used widely with the currency code to rate the value of digital stock based on the global exchange market.
Country and company corporate debt requires external debtors and collectors of the country banking system for additional distribution of the currency based on contracted circulation. Minusing the country currency bank nodes is verified mechanism.
Chinese Yuan
Magical unit and currency symbol of technological market economy based on international power levels.
EURO-YUAN currency swap deal in Eurasia on behalf of the European Eastern Bank Financial System. The managed government debt type of the swap accounts both sides interest of implementing the continental business contract.
Decentralized Application
Educational and development technology in digital economy sectors using wallet and token support. Proof of work based system and account balance by adding blocks. Identifier addresses in the same format are needed between sender and creator nodes.
Cryptocurrency code of the net element implementing blockchain database with contracted functionality. Generated electronically using algorithms to resolve difficult protocols and reward validation.
Money Printing
Contracted medium on the market as paper money and approved design of banknotes. The circulation of economy requires physical printed notes by the state bank on a massive scale and can withdraw them at any time.
In a modern banking system, any stock is the contracted type of market that measures and rates its value plus service hours in the country, the measured units define the legal tender and its difficult volume.
Printing and banking electronically are one of the methods for a new company of type bank to open an administrative account and transfer the cash to its own branch or office, including ATM. The banking company accepts the terms of the state bank by transferring exchanged digital equal to their account and the cashier subtracts volume of the state bank account based on requested banknotes total value, while plusing the digital banking system for the client request minus.
Security Thread
Paper Notes and Tickets
Holographic Elements
Physical solid line of metal or plastic embedded in paper design including polyester types. The ribbon is a microprinted feature used for protection and can be invisible. Usually designed with physical watermark.
Holographic Elements
Light illumination of the visible parts reflect the image patterns and alphanumeric text.
Glitter Ink
Colorful or holographic type of particle ink that reflects iridescent light at different angles also based on shape. Computer rendering can demonstrate variable effects and light reflection.
Color-shifting Ink
Paper Notes and Documents
Changes of the printed color based on view angle and can be detected by optical devices.
Rendering effects are producible in comparison to physical properties.
Metameric Ink
Metamerism index of color rendering distributes wavelength of reflected visible light sources. Meta combination with color shifting or particle film allows angular dimensions. 3D rendering in computer graphics simulates the effect perfectly based on the source of light.
Holographic Materials
Image and Alphanumeric data microprinting in a flat array that generates the variable effect based on the source of light and angle of observation. Scanning holographic materials reveals only one part of the orthographic RGB image data. Large holograms can appear in 3 dimensional geometrical structure and a greater reflection of the wave.
Physical Paper
Digital Document
Identifying image pattern appearing in shades of light or darkness based on view method. Watermarks are printed or applied as a sticker on paper notes and documents. Most marks are invisible and require a secondary paper on top.
Digital Document
Embedded as a binary code, image or signature plus online validation. Digital watermarks can be applied to audio, video and image data. Control of access, copy tracking and passive protection.
Hologram Sticker
Security Printing
Optically variable images and 3D patterns over light and angle view illumination. Used in identification and copy protection industry including printed cards and documents. Double sided accurate printing match to complete an image pattern including watermark technique.
Security type of paper and polymer plastics. Output format can manufacture transparent and invisible parts, window embedded location, special types of ink, density and thickness, complex shape look and feel of the sticker rectangle.
QR Code
Computer generated image data encoded usually in black and white as a two dimensional matrix of squares arranged in a grid.
Requires camera to scan realtime and qr software.
Data Types
- Alphanumeric Text
- vCard
- WiFi
Synthetic Polymer
Synthesis methods of polymerization structure polymeric material based on configuration and micro architecture. White and transparent elements including additional electronic chain properties.
Production of synthetic paper for banknotes or ticketing vary on standardized requirements.
Natural or synthetic high quality white cotton fiber paper and grams per square meter density. Percentage mixture and full consistency grades in contract documents or banknotes.
Vouchers and bonds are produced up to 100% white cotton paper plus the lawful requirements of digitalization.
Flax textile or synthetic fibers interweave with cotton types. Paper production of linen is usually thicker and harder.
Smart Contract
Software Program
Transaction protocol automating the control, execution of source code, management of the event driven system. Digital time stamping and encrypted sign validation. By default the code is protected.
Blockchain based applications implement the modular framework of the chosen platform. Visibility of sensitive data in commit blocks reveal security and privacy concerns.
Metal Coins
Outer Circle
Physical and circular in shape metal alloy objects using a contracted design on the market. Coins can replace small banknote values instead of printing them. Hundred units are the divisor of any currency one value, and coins are minted in a specific array. Usually not approved legal tender but only used for circulation of economy and banking them electronically.
Outer Circle
The coinage bullion might armor the inner coin circle and use any polygon shape compliant in rotation including a square. Holes and visible inconsistencies are rejected types.